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✨ How to Manifest Abundance ✨

Writer's picture: Morgan HamerMorgan Hamer

Hello gorgeous! 🩷

Last week I experienced a ✨magical 🪄 example of what it’s like to truly be abundant. I want to share it with you for some inspiration (because who doesn’t need all the abundance pointers they can get???).

To preface the abundance story: the week before last was really freaking rough (like getting dumped by your boyfriend on New Year’s Eve after finding out a friend died and your family has been bashing you behind your back kind of rough).

Needless to say, my boat got a bit rocked. Fortunately, it definitely didn’t sink. 🚣🏼‍♀️🛶🛥️ [More thoughts on why at the end of this post|.

Abundance and Manifesting

So here’s an inspiring example of how abundance manifested in my life last week:

Last Monday, I was catching up with a beloved friend of mine who was seriously down on his luck. He told me his dear friend of 40 years was just removed from life support and, to add insult to injury, my friend told me he was seriously struggling financially. 😢

Without batting an eye, I pulled out a wad of cash from my wallet (totaling $100) and put it in his pocket. It felt like destiny because I rarely keep cash on me. Plus, it was a privilege to be able to bless my friend who has been such a blessing in my life.

The next morning, I felt like crap. I barely slept and spent much of the night mulling over the prior week’s events. That day I was supposed to have a few meetings then take one of my besties (who is also going through a challenging time) out for her birthday. 🎂

I felt so crappy physically that I genuinely didn’t know how I was going to make it through the day (let alone be able to treat my friend to the caliber of birthday celebration she deserves). AND, I totally forgot that the $100 I had given my friend the night before was supposed to be my birthday budget for my birthday bestie! 🤦🏼‍♀️

BUT my birthday bestie was having a tough time, and she was counting on me, AND I really wanted to celebrate and support her on her special day!

So I set the intention to make it happen, and be there for her on her birthday. I cancelled all my meetings that day, came up with a birthday plan, and managed to get some flowers, cupcakes, and a few other special gifts to make her feel extra loved! 💖 Miraculously, I also felt better physically as the day progressed.

I decided to ditch the budget and TREAT my friend to something nice, so we got dressed up and went to a fancy dinner where we received exceptional service and phenomenal food.


The tab (for what I’d guess was at least a $200 meal) was only $17!!!!! 🤯

It was like the Universe was patting me on the back for trusting the cosmic flow of money.

I lovingly spent money where I felt called, and I was quickly rewarded.


So, here are my thoughts on abundance...

(and also why I didn't collapse during the tough week before last):

The more life gets real, the more I realize how much the manifesting practices I do and teach really work. I am reminded that being ABUNDANT doesn’t always mean you’re receiving rainbows 🌈 and sunshine ☀️ (or large sums of cash 💸 or a fairy-tale romance ending in “happily ever after”).

Being in abundance means that when sh** happens, you have a deep knowing that the storm will pass and you trust there’s a brighter reality on the horizon.

When you intentionally embody abundance, it's like you KNOW there’s always a big pot of gold ⚱️ waiting for you at the end of every rainbow (that comes after a storm).

You know this because deep down you KNOW you are the big pot of gold ⚱️ AND you ARE the rainbow. You KNOW you’re connected to and supported by the Creator of all of the rainbows and gold that are ever in existence. 🤯

When you truly embody this awareness, it’s effortless to give and receive love 💗 and money 💸 (without conditions, expectations, or strings attached).

The Manifesting Mentor on a pile of money

How can you start being more abundant?

The more you practice giving your energy (i.e. your love, money, and/or time) without strings or expectations, the more you’ll expand your capacity to receive.

So the next time you feel called to give, do it!

And don’t forget to allow yourself to also receive when blessings come to you.

It's that simple! Give it a shot and let me know how it goes!!

If you’d like a friend to go with you on your journey to expand your capacity for abundance, I’d love to join you. 🩷

The Magnetism & Money Masterclass

My Magnetism & Money Masterclass is open for enrollment!

The Magnetism & Money Masterclass is your backstage pass to demolishing those pesky mental money blocks once and for all—and guess what? Attracting the moolah 🤑 is just the icing on the cake when you’re vibrating with pure, unshakable abundance.


In this 3-month transformational journey, you’ll soak up powerful money energetics, revamp your mindset, and learn manifesting methods that no one ever taught you in school. 


With THREE 1:1 mentoring sessions, weekly group sessions, an aligned online community, and SO MUCH hands on support, you’ll get everything you need to wave buh-bye 👋🏽 to money struggles and watch your wealth potential soar


From uncovering core blocks to rebooting your money mindset, this program is designed to accelerate your ability to live in overflowing abundance—because when you’re dancing in your true power 💃🏽, your bank account just can’t help but keep up!!! 🤑💲💰


It’s time to raise the bar, attract what’s meant for you, and turn your manifesting dial all the way up. Let’s make the next 3 months the most magnetic of your life! 🌟

“I've attracted more clients in the shortest amount of time than I ever have. I have new tools that I use almost daily to help me come up with new actions to help me continue moving forward in alignment with who I am at my core and what I want most.” -Brittany C.

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